Speaking of studs, Austin is going to grow up to be a total stud. No, he's not my biological child. He's my baby though. His little friends will pop up on Facebook asking where he is and if I know all there drama. It is one of the funniest things I have ever experienced. I've learned if you want to really get to a kid for doing wrong...take he/she out of communications. Pull out an Atari, whatever. Because when their crops start dying on Farmville. They're going to realize they are up shit creek and rotten tomatoes to eat.
I was drawn to Austin from the first day I laid eyes on him. It was so hot out, his Dad was helping put a new fence up, at my house. I had lost a grandmother, and two dogs in 3 weeks. I was just about to leave for Denver the day after the next. I handed Austin's dad a cherry Kool-Aid pack, straw included. I would later learn he likes cherry pretty good! When he is sick, I'm there and want to take it from him. When he is upset or in TROUBLE, I'm there and want to take away or cause the pain, depending on the circumstances, he he he. When he's done something wrong and it's time to take his cell, I'M THERE! For the rest of my life, I have promised this child, I will make sure that his best interest comes first. In the event that anything should ever happen, I will always be there. I love him as my own.
Austin's mother passed away November 20, 2007. Austin had just turned 10 years old. He called her "Honey", because that is what he had always heard his dad call her, when they were married. Since I became so close to David, Austin's father, I have taken to his child "like no other", as David describes the relationship. It must be very hard to lose one of your parents at any point in your life, much less 10. Though I think Austin deals with it best. He continues to live, laugh and remembers his Honey. I never knew her. Though everyone could use to learn a lesson from her son. He's too young to understand the lesson he's teaching just yet.
I've been checking out this blogspot. I can tell that I am going to get worse off on it than I did keeping my Myspace page up to date. There are many manic and obsessive bells and whistles on here that I can play with and import and decorate. It's going to get bad. I have to work night shift tonight.
No telling what kind of a night I'll have. You never can tell with 911. No telling what is on the other end of that phone. It could be some one's worst nightmare come true. Or someone that has nothing better do do. Interesting, enjoyable job, REALLY! It just takes a certain type of person. I don't know what type, but apparently I slipped through the cracks.
Plus, am ready to continue my story. We've (me and mom) always said we were going to write a book some day. However we decided if it ever got published, they would shelf it has fiction...because nobody's going to believe this shit.
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